Fire Systems Cyprus provides award-winning water mist fire protection solutions, backed by decades of experience.

To find out more or discuss your project contact us

Hotel new build & refits
Restaurant kitchens
Restaurant kitchens
Data centres & data rooms
Tall buildings
Tall buildings
Multipurpose buildings and carparks
Food factories

Government buildings and prisons
Government buildings and prisons


Discover the 16 Key Benefits of Water Mist Fire Protection

1-Fastest-acting fire protection solution for fire and heat suppression
2-Only solution to rapidly reduce the spread of smoke – the biggest cause of fatalities and interior damage during fires
3-Compact, space saving systems – gain more revenues from your m2
4-Fastest and easiest solution for fitting/retrofitting
5-Water mist systems can be linked to existing sprinkler pumps
6-Lower maintenance and greater durability
7-Fewer nozzles (each nozzle protects a greater square area than sprinkler heads)
8-Improved design aesthetics, including camouflaged nozzles
9-Much smaller pumps = space/capex saving
10-Water tanks are much smaller and lighter. Can be installed on roofs
11-Water can also be supplied by mains water supply
12-One pump and system protects all areas of hotels, tested and approved
13-One pump is powerful enough to protect multi-story buildings, with no relay
14-Low water use when operated, fast clean-up and protects structural integrity
15-Business continuity. Fast return to normal business operations in the event of fire
16-Greenist fire suppression solution – lower water, energy and metal resources. No chemicals of any kind